Wednesday 12 November 2014

What I will do :

-Add in all the extra work I've done from the 8th of October.

-Extend my use of media terminology in my analysis. 

-Develop my explanations, go into greater detail.

-Upload my powerpoint of the horror genre.

-Upload my preliminary exercise as well as the evaluation. 

-Upload analysis of the scene of 'The last house on the left'.

-Upload 'Halloween' case study.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Analysis on the opening of 'Three Colours Blue'

I thought the shot where it showed the oil dripping from the car was the most important shot, because it creates an ominous vibe throughout the opening. As well as foreshadowing future events such as the car accident that took place moments later. The shot that establishes Anna is where she is sleeping in the car and the shot that establishes her dad is when he carries her on her shoulders.

However we don’t see the mother until after the car crash only intensifies the suspense that’s already created. The passage screen time starts at night and finishes during the day. To me the picture is more powerful than sound as you have a visual right in front of you to show you what’s happening, as well as in previous generations, some of the most famous movies were silent movies (featuring Charlie Chaplin). Moreover in this opening you see a small girl running out but there’s no sound yet you’re still able to see her and know it’s a young girl.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Course overview
2 UNITs - 50% CW and 50% exam (June)
G321   (CW) researching, planning, making and evaluating a two minute opening sequence to a new genre film. (Group work individually marked)

G322   (exam) two essays 1) TV drama unseen analysis 2) Film Audiences and Institutions